Friday, April 01, 2005

EVEN DEEPER BLURTING! - The MST3K Discussion Board

Blurty, the Blurt Sprite! invites you to come smell the excitement as fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000 discuss everything from the weather to world politics to cookie recipes! It's not just Deep Blurting, it's EVEN DEEPER BLURTING!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

TV.COM (formerly TV TOME)

Think you know everything about every TV show ever? Well, just in case you don't, these guys pretty much do. Find out everything you ever wanted to know about your favorite shows, but were to lazy to ask.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Shadowculture's MR. CRANKY rates the movies!

Think I'm tough on the movies? Think MST3K was rough on the movies? We've got nothin' on Mister Cranky, he doesn't like any of them.

Bad Movie? You're Soaking In It!

When you need a movie really bad, boy do I have a bad movie for you! Some of the best bad movies of all time reviewed! From Starship Troopers to the Star Wars Holiday Special! Some of the best movies ever are some of the worst movies ever, find out why! All in good fun!

Crow's Links O' Plenty - The Classic version.

See the original Crow's links page and you'll see why I had to update it!

MSTKollect - Tape Trader

Not a long distance service, no annoying 10-10 numbers to dial! Just one guy's little corner of the MiSTiverse!

Milkbox Larry's CAPTION COUNTY!

The best of the best! Larry collects the finest captions ever submitted and puts them in convenient easy to swallow pill form! Enjoy, won't us?

INVENTING SITUATIONS - Make your own captions!

They show you the movie, you make up funny captions for the movies! Why, it's so crazy, it just might work! Have a ball capping live with other fans of MST3K!

DEEP BLURTING NEWS STUFF (the next generation)

More MST3K news and reviews from the same bunch of folks that brought you DBNS 1.0! Shorter, and less successful than the original!

DEEP BLURTING NEWS STUFF (the original series)

The fans of MST3K and the regular contributors to Deep Blurting present information from a Misties point of view. Not to be taken internally!

SATELLITE NEWS - The Official Mystery Science Theater 3000 Web Site

Need some news about your favorite MST3K veteran or other bad movie related stuff? You can learn all about MST3K from Ator to Z'Dar! Plus news updated pretty much every darn day! If it'sbout Mystery Science Theater 3000, it must be on Satellite News!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Misties Anonymous!

Mystery Science Theater related Links, Trivia, Announcements, Cool Graphics that light up when you move your cursor over them! What more could anyone ask?

Saturday, March 12, 2005


"It's a HIT!, OH NO!, you sank my BATTLESHIP!"

Ah for fun! The classic game kind of comes alive in an online version. Play for hours at work like I do! What the heck else have you got to do?