Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Mystery Science Theater 3000 (the official web site)

Heck, it don't get no more official that this one! Best Brain Inc's very own MST3K website! Riff of the day, clips to watch and stuff to buy, who could ask for anything more? But wait, there's I just made that up, there is no more.

Sunday, July 06, 2008


From some of the guys and gals who brought you the original MST3K, it's CINEMATIC TITANIC (say that five times fast!). The DVDs that take old bad movies and give them a whole new life by making fun of them! What a concept!


From the rest of the guys who brought you MST3K (and the guys who brought you The Film Crew DVDs) it's RIFFTRAX! The name pretty much says it all, these are tracks of riffs for your favorite movies...without the sticky copyright infringement mess.

The Comics Corral!

Bad Movies? Sure we all love those, but what about comic books? What MST3K fan doesn't love getting all caught up in the four-color adventures of his or her favorite Super-Hero or Action Hero, or bigged eyed baby-woman dressed in a sailor suit with three pointy-headed sidekicks and a mentor who is doctor with a pig's head (which no one seems to notice)!

Anyway, if you love comics and are addicted to things like CGC, eBay, DC, Marvel, Dark Horse and that sort of thing...The Comics Corral awaits you!